Mind, Body and Spirit

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When thoughts rain

Thoughts, are like raindrops

They fall on us, nonstop

The mind’s a fertile ground

Many seeds are to be found

Waiting to sprout and grow

Sending roots deep below

Latecomers, the fruits

They influence our pursuits

Raindrops, pure as crystals

When they’re at a distance

High up in the clouds

Away from the thirsty crowds

Thoughts that exemplify purity

Are hidden, and lost in obscurity

Mingling with restless massesWe lose those more placid

There is a continuous shower

As the mind grows into a tower

We’re the generous foundation

Hosting this complex formation

We cannot escape the rain

But we can leave behind the pain

That befalls the self we nurse

It first arrived in fleeting spurts

What’s real, and what’s not?

This truth cannot be bought

Drenched in the thought rain

In ignorance, we remain


One lifetime is enough

To call the mind’s bluff

It is a prolific builder

Of a world we are familiar

Where joy and sorrow rain

Sometimes, we cannot contain

Washed away in excessesFlooding hidden recesses

Where the keys hide

To the secret inside

Everyone has a treasure

We can’t find, through leisure

With thoughts, we’re floating

All our time, we’re devoting

Towards something more enticing

When will we start rising?

Like a river in energetic spate

Thoughts carry our freight

Some heavy, none precious

They have effaced our freshness

There isn’t anything that’s old

It is an idea that we’re sold

Thoughts preserve their energies

By hosting our old memories

Stepping out of the thought rain

There is much for us to gain

Walking on such dry ground

We disappear into the profound